feature request

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Joined: Fri Sep 23, 2011 2:20 pm

feature request

Post by thaddy »

Google Chrome does not support the HTTP_DNT header flag.
It should be easy to support this in Iron. (AFAICT less than 15 lines of code in three places.)

The reason this is better than Google's own do not track plugin, is that the HTTP_DNT flag is more in line with new and upcoming law (EC, FTC) because the European commission and the FTC considers using cookies to implement do-not-track is in itself tracking. Moreover they consider the use of anti-tracking cookies as infringing against the explicit wishes of the user (who obviously doesn't WANT cookies, certainly not tracking cookies, possibly only write-only cookies).
There is a very good chance that this technique will be forbidden by law and has to be replaced by HTTP_DNT anyway. At least Microsoft (from IE9), Mozilla (from 4.0) and Apple (From Lion 5.1, from 5.2 with HTTP_DNT i believe) anticipate this.
This easy to implement feature would be in line with what Srware Iron tries to achieve.
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